Benedict Arnold – Stop 16

Joseph Carpenter Silversmith Shop

circa 1772, 71 East Town Street Norwich, CT

Joseph Carpenter’s silversmith shop is believed to be one of the few surviving silversmith shops in New England. Joseph made clocks, pewter, jewelry, and engravings. Today, his work is highly valued by collectors. Joseph shared the shop with his brother, Gardner Carpenter, who operated a mercantile business. Today, the building is owned by the Society of the Founders of Norwich and opened as a seasonal museum. The building is in the Colonial/Georgian style.

Benjamin Butler’s Former House

55 East Town Street Norwich, CT

Please note, this is a private residence and is not open to the public

Benjamin Butler was a blacksmith; he was known to be eccentric, witty and most notably, a Loyalist. In 1776, he was arrested and jailed for “defaming the Honorable Continental Congress.” He was forbidden from holding office or raising arms. Butler was said to be indifferent about his sentence and died in 1787. Gardner Carpenter bought the house and built the present red brick house.


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